Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Grad School

I should probably mention now that I am in...DUN DUN DUNNNNN...grad school.  

Why you might ask?  The answer is simple-money.  I mean lets be real people, teachers make nothing as compared to the time and energy put in.  And I suppose if teaching ever falls through, I have another direction I could go.  (but let me be clear, teaching second grade is what I would like to do for the rest of my life.  until retirement that is)  Anyways, I decided to go for my Master's in Reading and Literacy.  It is the subject I love to teach and really an overall passion of mine.

I am taking classes at Capella University.  

It is completely online which makes it super easy for me, living in the arctic north of Minnesota makes attending any universities within a reasonable driving distance impossible.  I am 16 credits in and going strong!  I refuse to figure out the amount of time it will take to finish, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than counting down.  If anyone out there wants to check out the online programs click HERE.  If you would like to check out what I am specifically doing, click HERE.

Each course is 10 weeks long, then we have a 3 week break.  Thinking about the overall program, it really isn't that bad.  However, finding the time and motivation to get the many discussions, annotated bibliographies, reflection journals, and papers done each week gets tiresome.  Lucky for me, I followed in a very good friend's footsteps and she helps me along the way.  PLUS, Kacey is taking the exact same courses as me at the SAME TIME.  That is a real lifesaver!  Click on her name to check out what she has been up to-we are bringing blogging to the north! :)

What is the point of this post?  In case I ever go MIA for awhile, I AM NOT GIVING UP!  I am probably sitting on my couch, researching and typing away to meet a deadline.

Oh, and also most likely trying to work around this guy.
I swear he requires more attention than a small child!!
And yes, that is indeed a Christmas blanket.  I realize it is almost February.  
It is comfy and red for Valentine's Day.  :)

Coming up NEXT Wednesday--a potential link up for "What I Wore Wednesday"???
I need to accumulate some #ootd pictures.

Look at me number two is in the books !

Monday, January 27, 2014

Where I Come From

Aaahhhh!  It's official.  I. HAVE. A. BLOG.  I've been reading blogs for years!  If you check out my blog list you will see I follow a lot, not to mention the usuals I read every. single. day. that are not even on my blogger list.  So exciting!

I figured it was time to create one of my own when I started making mental lists of things I would blog about, pictures I would take, blogs to link up what will you see from me?

This guy--Mowgli, or as we call him, "Mo".

Mo has pretty much turned into my first child.  It is sickening how obsessed I am with him.  This is your warning, be prepared for Mo overload.

My attempts at being a runner.

Last spring I decided to jump on the running bandwagon--this picture was taken after a 6 miler.  Needless to say, that only happened once.  Yet, I keep on going for it and currently am in a new Barre kick-more on that later.  Oh, and those crazy gals with me?  Those are two of my greatest friends, both in and outside of work. And where do I work you may ask??

The School by the Lake!  I LOVE my job and teaching in second grade even more!!

Being this is my fourth year teaching, I am hoping I will be able to start sharing my creations and ideas with you all.  Lord knows I've taken from the fabulous teacher blogs nearly every day!

I should also mention this guy-bf of over two years, Trav.

He's pretty great.  Aaannnnddd the reason I moved back home to the cold tundra where I swore I would never live again.  Yes, I am that girl.  Picking up and moving for a BOY.  But I couldn't be happier, it was the best decision ever.  Now...if he would just put a ring on it already! :)

Well looks like I can put a nice big check next to "write first blog post" on my never ending to-do list!